Thanks to Margie Schwaninger for recruiting me to her writing group, where I have shared my stories over the years.
Thanks to Jaclyn Michal, co-founder of Pink Pangea, a community of international women who love to travel and to write. Jaclyn edits their online magazine and has published some of these stories.
Thanks also to Lori Allen, who created Great Escape Publishing to organize awesome travel writing and photography workshops, also photography expeditions to interesting destination with like-minded people.
I have thoroughly enjoyed being part of all these communities.
Thanks to my sister, Joyce Denness, for taking the photo used for my bio. I was leaving her local station, Bere Alston in Devon, to join a train to London, and she took it on her cell phone.
My love of words and reading was first nurtured by my mother, Edith Helen Mason, who died in 1967. She had an uncommon bond with the written word.
Thanks also to my family and friends whose love and support through the years have sustained me in many ways. I love you all and am grateful for each of our relationships.